Port Harbor Sea Fog wall hanging

Port Harbor Sea Fog wall hanging
I was a little stumped with this challenge because I don’t really make silhouette kinds of quilts. I do have some fabric that looks like a silhouette of trees, but I wanted to do more than just using the print on a fabric.
I looked on Pinterest and found white sawtooth star blocks with fun fabrics for the background. Here is my project. Carson’s Vegas Birthday. You are my sunshine.
Project Quilting 13.2 “In Silhouette”
Several years ago we spent a week in Ana Capri, at the top of Capri in the wonderful Hotel Caesar Augustus that overlooked the Bay of Naples. The poster was used throughout the hallways so when we checked out, I asked the manager if there were a copy I could purchase. “Uno momento,” he said, as he walked away. He returned with a poster that he rolled up and gave to me for free. We had it framed and it’s hung is our home ever since. I never get tired of looking at it and I always remember the spectacular time we had. If I ever returned to Italy, Ana Capri would be my first and only stop!
Here's my submission for Project QUILTING Challenge 13.2 - In Silhouette!
Attached is my first complete quilt attempt ever!! I’ve been learning to cut and piece over the past couple of months but haven’t done any quilting or binding or anything, so Complete novice here!! But I submit because my son reminded me that trying and finishing is the most important part! So I tried and I finished.
This is Octopus. I’m probably going to redo her as I have learned so much along the way and have such a better feel for what I need to do next time!When I read that the challenge was silhouette and in the comments Notan was mentioned, I remembered a book & stencils purchased years ago based on the Notan design concept. The book is Design Magic & stencil is Split Leaf by Shelley Stokes. I used the stencil to create a negative & positive design with paint sticks. Then just for the fun of it thought I would try trapunto. Great fun trying new techniques and I ended up with a finished project
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That was a fun one!!