Here is 'Lisa P's PQ Mystery Mini Quilt Top all finished!

Here is 'Lisa P's PQ Mystery Mini Quilt Top all finished!
Here is Martha Hendrich's finished mystery mini quilt top.
I love Marcia Derse fabric for both her color and use of line. I also have wanted to make a pattern like this for some time and it all came together for this quilt.
I tried to use some of the arcs in my quilting. 42x52.
Created by Judy Valentino for Project QUILTING 12.6 - Ab Intra.
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I call it “Unzipped”. It’s 12”x 14”.
Thank you for this wonderful season of quilt challenges. They have been great fun. This year in particular. I think, I appreciated the extra sparks to ignite my creativity.
Carol Sarafconn
Created for the Project QUILTING Ab Intra Challenge.
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For this challenge, I used fabric that I purchased right after I found out I was pregnant at 39 1/2 years old; I always wanted to be a mom. Each fabric has a special meaning to me.
Spring is finally here. Run free.
Amanda Reid
This 12” x 12” is called Zodiac Crab in Me.
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PQ12.6 AB INTRA - From Within
My Gift - A Journal CoverThat's me, rising above the mountain of family treasures and junk we dumped after closing on our Fargo condo last fall just before driving to Madison for the winter. There’s a lot to go through but I know I can and will do it, beginning this week. I believe my 'inner self' is someone who makes a plan and carries it out. I get things done.
This week's challenge was a gift. I pondered, looked at fabrics I've been moved to purchase lately without a specific project in mind, thought about my pre-retirement and post-retirement time, and considered the gifts of #covidtime for #covidcreations. Somehow, it turned in to this project, for which I am now grateful.
Title: balanced life
Looking over the past couple years, a large part has been a journey to find balance. I thought this Tree of life within yin/yang symbol captures that thought.This is my first challenge of the season but when it was announced I immediately knew that I wanted to participate. A friend and I had just had a discussion about the messages that society gave us as we are of an age that our career choices were pretty limited to housewife, secretary, teacher and nurse. We were never really exposed to options so that we might have had bigger dreams. So for me the making of a messenger bag was a great symbol for this.
"Ab Embell-layers"
A slice of lime
From inside - while cutting cucumber for a salad I got the idea: the profile of some fruit or vegetable. The fruit I liked most was a lime - also because I had the right scraps of fabric.Here is my quilt for 12.6.
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