Sunday, January 27, 2019
Where's the Blue by Irene F
My quilt is a 34" isosceles triangle.
Irene Floyd
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Warming Wisconsin by Barb B
I then Quilted with Red Thread and a decorative machine stitch on the motif.
With white thread in the Bobbin the 'bottom', or reverse is Red and White!!....
This was fun.... thanks to -22 degree temp out here this morning it's been perfect day to snuggle in and complete this.
Created by Barb Byron for the Project QUILTING Red, White and Blue Challenge
Star and Stripes by Shirley C
Shirley Campbell
Pardeeville, WI
This is a wall hanging that measures 22" X 22". I made this entirely from my scrap stash, which always makes me happy!
Super Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse by Carol K
I felt inspired and knew I could find the scraps in my scrap baskets or regular stash. This is made with quilting cottons-commercial prints(fronts and backs of fabrics- reds, whites and blues) and silk (blues) from some ties I had purchased to add to my art quilts. Cotton batting.
I got scared. I was not feeling ''into'' it. I was worried that I could not pull it off just the way I wanted to. So, I thought of about 10 different designs I could do and do well. I decided, today, Saturday, that I would take the sketch I had made from that one moment of the Eclipse and DO it.
I am really pleased with this little piece. For me it is a total eclipse of my fear. My astronomical fear was temporarily obscured by my determination to follow through. Thank you, PQ Season 10, 10.2 Red, White and Blue. This was so satisfying.
Created by Carol Kunnerup
Red, White and Blue by Sandra MP
Sandra Miller Pitts
Spokane Wa
First thought in my mind was our red white and blue flag. Next thought was music. Imagine by John Lennon.
Entirely red, white and blue, appliqué and navy blue embroidery.
I am looking forward to the next challenge.
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Starry Night by Joan B
Here’s my entry for Project QUILTING Red, White and Blue Challenge 10.2. Title is Starry Night inspired from a pattern by Susan Fuquay.

I was delighted to find all these fabrics with stars in my stash. Only 2 of the whites do not have stars. I top stitched around the stars and border with a red, white and blue variegated thread.

Couldn’t decide what to do with border so I left it for now.

Looking forward to going outside today. We are having unusually warm weather in the NW (Lakewood, WA). I’m envious of all of you who have snow
Created by Joan B
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Saturday, January 26, 2019
50's Fireworks by Ally B
This is my first quilt for these challenges and I absolutely loved making it.
When I heard red white and blue I thought simplicity and family , I thought of picnics and fireworks , this quilt gave me the willingness to want to keep going and want to do more.
Size: 15” by 13”
I quilt out of appleton , wi
Made for the Project QUILTING Red, White and Blue Challenge by Ally Brown
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Strength by Cheryl G
The bird at the top represents the Spirit of God who is always present and takes care of even the smallest sparrow. The words themselves are a reminder to me and my family members that we/they are not alone through their ordeal. They are also the title of a favorite song by Kari Jobe based on Isaiah 43:2-3.
Created by Cheryl Graham for the Project QUILTING Red, White and Blue Challenge.
Patriotic Chicken by Liz M
Red White & Blue
Patriotic Chicken
Liz MandelkowSomewhere on the Snake River. Buhl ID
He’s little but mighty!!!
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Do Your Job New England by Jean M
Threadtangle by Woodra C
I am Woodra Clontz. I live at Saint Simons Island, Georgia
Created for the Project QUILTING Red, White and Blue Challenge.
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Friday, January 25, 2019
Ruby Red by Theresa B
I am Theresa Bradley. I quilt in Powder Springs, Georgia.
created for the Project QUILTING Red, White and Blue Challenge
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Original Quilt by Shelly W
My own pattern. I make this when I want to relax .
Created by Shelly Wynia for the Project QUILTING Red, White and Blue Challenge.
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Cathedral Window Table Topper by Vicki B
This one has cathedral windows which I have always wanted to try. I don’t think I would ever make a whole quilt out of them. They are very time consuming and I wasn’t happy with the corners. The reason for the buttons but I love it with them.
Patriotic Table Runner by Cherese C
Stay True to Red, White and Blue by Barb M
“Stay True to the Red, White and Blue”
is the name of my quilt. It is 40 x 48” and was made in Tucson, Arizona. It will be given to an Honor Flight Veteran who will make the trip to Washington DC this spring.Here’s my quilt and description. This challenge was right up my alley since our quilt group has promised 25 of these babies to the Honor Flight Coordinators!
Created by Barbara Moore for the Project QUILTING Red, White and Blue Challenge
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Thursday, January 24, 2019
WHERE EAGLES FLY. by Donna Bilda
Created for the Project QUILTING "Red, White and Blue" Challenge
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Three Trees by Amanda R
How Great a challenge with restricted colours!
To do a landscape in these colours was fun and different!
This piece is machine applique with some thread painting and free motion quilting. The tree tops are confetti sewn down with tulle. Great fun!
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It's All About Red - and White and Blue by Diane C
Project QUILTING Challenge #2 is done! I had to finish early since I’ll be on my way to the Road to California Quilt Show tomorrow! Yay! So, here’s my entry:
PQ 10.2 It’s All About Red—and White and Blue.
It was fun creating a pieced project. I received my free pattern from Marcia’s Crafty Sewing on Sunday morning. As luck would have it, I had chosen “Summer Tomatoes”. At first, I didn’t think about the fact that it was a pattern that used THREE colors. Once that concept made it into my brain, my next thought was, “Well let’s take a look and see if it will work.”
So I looked briefly at the pattern, pulled some fabrics, and then spent the day watching the football playoffs. (A girl’s gotta have more than one hobby.) In the evening (I’m in California) I took a longer look at the pattern. Overnight I spent some time imagining how I would orient the blocks (I’m sure you all understand), since Marcia’s pattern has them turned in all directions to give the quilt an improvisational look. I wanted something with a bit more “order”, so my color placement is intentional and I didn’t offset the stripes as much as she did, creating a piece with a center square and diagonal red squares. Can you guess that red is my favorite color? Inspired by “Summer Tomatoes” by Marcia Wachuta, here’s “It’s All About Red—and White and Blue”.
This quilt finished at 18” square.
Thanks, and keep the challenges coming!
Created by Diane Crawford
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Sunday, January 20, 2019
Hope by Fauntie P
I'm really pleased with the way this wall hanging turned out. I found the compass when I was cleaning my sewing room, (don't we all do that in January). I put the first border on it and of course couldn't find any fabric in my stash to use for the second border, so off to the local fabric store I went. I was looking at the table of fat quarters that they had and the word Opera jumped out at me. You see my sister was the General Manager of the Edmonton Opera for about ten years. I knew it was perfect. The back of the wall hanging is music fabric.
Please let me know if you need further information. I think that it is about 24" square.
Fauntie Phillips
Monday, January 14, 2019
Butterflies by Mary C
This is my first entry in a challenge quilt. In making this quilt I used the scraps from heart blocks quilts my friends and I made to help the victims of the Paradise fire. Those scraps are the butterflies. "Butterflies are deep and powerful representations of life. . . .. Around the world, people view the butterfly as representing endurance, change, hope, and life." (Credit to butterflieswithwings website.) Since emotions are raw I used raw edge applique (a new technique for me). Everyone's emotions are different and the butterflies are not exact in size representing those differences. I felt that after the fire, hope was something that everyone needed, and my wish is that everyone can find it.
Created by Mary Chappelle for the Project QUILTING Hope Springs Eternal Challenge.
Sunday, January 13, 2019
Baby Ferns by Irene Floyd
I have always been fascinated by baby ferns unfurling. Apart from their beauty, they are a symbol of new life.
My quilt is 25.5" by 22.25". I appliquéd the spirals and then machine quilted them heavily to achieve the texture I wanted. The background fabric was a serendipitous find in my stash.
Looking forward to the next project!
created by Irene Floyd for the Project QUILTING “Hope Springs Eternal.”
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Fiercely Hoping by Mary N
Title: Fiercely Hoping
Description: Ever vigilant, the great horned owl is always hoping to spot her next meal. The owl is my sister’s favorite bird and this is for her, as she starts her second round of chemo.
Construction: machine-stitched wool applique over wool batting. Hand embroidery and Micron pen. The backing is cotton with cross-stitch fabric as a stiffener.
Created by Mary N for the Project QUILTING “Hope Springs Eternal Challenge”
A cupful of Kindness … a Spoonful of Love by Liz M
HOPE Springs Eternal
Liz Mandelkow
Buhl Idaho
A cupful of Kindness ... A spoonful of Love.
This is my finished project for PQ10.1 Hope Springs Eternal. My hope is for more grace and peace in my everyday life and bless someone every day. A simple thank you. Pay for the person behind me in the drive through. Take a moment to listen when you’re in a hurry. Give a hug.
I enjoyed adding a little mixed media to my project. The old spoon ... some broken jewelry. I would like to explore this a little more. It was fun. Trying something new. That’s why I love this challenge.
“Pieces of my Heart” by Taylor Moss
My journey for hope springs eternal started a long time ago, I am fortunate that this was the theme for project quilting 10.1. I am 37 years old and have three kids, twin girls and a boy. Last year in February we decided that we wanted one more baby to love. We were blessed with getting pregnant, but sadly we lost our baby one month later on my birthday. My heart was broken and I was torn apart. We were slowly coming to a decision that it would not happen for a few reasons, one both my husband and I are over 35 which puts us into the advanced (or elderly) maternal age category, and two we did not want our hearts ripped out of our chests again. Well, skip to this summer and in August, I found out I was expecting again. This time we were not going to tell a person, not the kids, family, or even friends. We were just too worried that we would be heartbroken again. I even had a lot of spotting and thought, this is it, this is the day I lose this baby. It turned out that everything I was going through was normal and we were having a healthy baby. I am now 28 weeks pregnant and my heart is starting to fill again. I have hope.
This quilt is my heart, It has some spaces in it for the baby I lost, but it is filling with love for the new baby that is growing in me. Quilting my feelings out has been such a wonderful process. This has also been the first time I used a walking foot, jelly roll for almost the entire quilt accept the binding, and finished in less than a week by myself. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to help heal my heart and allow me to learn new techniques.
My quilt is titled "Pieces Of My Heart"
The pattern is from Quilting in the rain, Pattern: Summer love
Created by Taylor Moss for the Project QUILTING “Hope Springs Eternal” Challenge.
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HOPE to Make More by Amanda Reid
Created for the Project QUILTING “Hope Springs Eternal” Challenge.
HOPE To Make More
Summer is at its height in South Africa.. I make recycled wood birdhouses.. Sell a few.. Gift a few.. Love it...
So had to make a scrap cloth one! Machine applied and a zig zag edge to place in a frame.. Is done in three layers with batting..
Amanda Reid
South Africa
Hope Springs Eternal by Carol K
The Project QUILTING prompt, Hope Springs Eternal, made me think of Spring; a child waiting for a seed to sprout or a flower to bloom. I also thought about the seeds we plant in our minds, in our hearts in our friendships, in our families and how it takes work to remain hopeful that they will sprout. Just like a garden, hoping the soil will be fertile, the weather will cooperate, the seeds will sprout, it takes work to remain hopeful as families change, jobs change, lives change. This is quilting cotton, cotton batting and Deco Foil. The first time I have used it and I LOVE IT.
Created by Carol Kunnerup
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Daffodil Hope by Shelly L
Daffodils are the flowers of hope for the survivors fighting cancer. This challenge allowed me to showcase the hope!
Created by Shelly Lafky for the Project QUILTING Hope Springs Eternal Challenge
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Saturday, January 12, 2019
Hope Springs Eternal by Cherese C
Hope Springs Eternal
Spring is a time of rebirth, a time for hope, a time for new beginnings. Every spring, flowers bloom and the world comes alive again. It is a time to start anew and look to the future.
My quilt is 14x14. Pieced background with applique flowers.
Created by Cherese Currier for the Project QUILTING “Hope Springs Eternal” challenge.
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Through the Cracks HOPE by Sandra Miller Pitts
Title: Through the Cracks HOPE
12x12 pillow
Brick pattern quilt block hand quilted with big stitch quilting
Appliqué is felted and over dyed wool
A persistent little purple flower growing in a crack in our asphalt driveway each summer. We no longer have that home but I still remember looking for that little purple flower each year. It always made me smile.
Thank you very much for this assistance.
I had so much fun doing this project using everything I had on hand.
created by Sandra Miller Pitts for the Project QUILTING Challenge “Hope Springs Eternal.”
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Cancer Survivors Unite by Nancy H
Cancer Survivors Unite!
Project Quilting Challenge 10.1 ~ Hope Springs Eternal
This was created for an online challenge called Project Quilting. You get a week to complete a whole quilt based on a theme. Anyone can vote for their favorite.
When I heard the theme was Hope Springs Eternal, the first thing I thought of was the cancer ribbons offering hope to patients. I discovered there are more than 25 official colors promoting cancer awareness, with pink for breast cancer being the most recognized. I thought it would be good to bring all of the different colors together in one ribbon to offer hope to all.
I made this quilt in honor of all cancer survivors. My quilt is 16x16.
I will update this post when I get the link to vote. Voting will close on Friday, January 18 at 8pm, CST.
#ProjectQuilting #pqSeason10
Nancy Horwath
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Hope Springs Eternal by Joan B
I've been watching the PQ Challenge from afar for a few years and have been amazed at the creative process. Just retired and have wanted to get back to being creative with my quilts so here's my first attempt. I used scraps and fabrics from my stash to create Hope Springs Eternal. I was inspired by the PQ Mystery - I "love" PQ with the lettering appearing in the design so I used 1 1/2 inch squares to write HOPE.
I found the green fabric that was perfect for raw appliqué of the grass for Spring and attempted to create the eternity symbol throughout the border. A friend of mine suggested I give it to an oncology clinic which made me think of how hopeful I am for the cure of cancer. My final project ended up 28x12. It could be a small runner or a wall hanging.
Created by Joan B, Washington
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