It is done! Thanks for the encouragement! I'll post better pictures and the adventure in the morning. Yes, travel, mystery, a bit of blood... an adventure.
Saturday, October 31, 2015
Nine Patch by Charlene Waggoner
“A Light Shines in the Darkness and the Darkness Did Not Overcome It" by Anna Montgomery
"10 Patch 9 Patch or A Light Shines in the Darkness and the Darkness Did Not Overcome It"
As I draw closer to the end of seminary and the ELCA candidacy process, it seems that only theology and prayer finds its way into my head during my sewing time.
And there seems to be so little sewing time!
This is a super simple quilt made of 10 9 patches. Yellow was the clear choice this month for reasons beyond my understanding, but as I worked, I kept reflecting on the new theology coming out of the Black Lives Matter movement, and how genuinely it couples with the not-so-new theology of the cross...which clearly states that God is present in the suffering.
So, my background is brown and black to represent the bodies of those whom I witness in the current company of God. And the yellow sings in the midst of them.
Which reminds me that God is present in the darkest of hours.
"A light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it."(John 1:5)
It shall be so, even or especially in this time.
‘Where did it go?’ by Wendy B
Where did it go?
October’s challenge is the 9-Patch using Cherrywood Green. This started out to be a Disappearing 9-Patch and after I got the blocks made I started cutting them in ½ then ¼ .
The end result turned out more of a free form.
Wendy Blanton
‘Naked Leaves’ by Nancy H
"Naked Leaves" inspired by magnolia leaves from my yard . And green Cherrywood fabrics combined with the many colors is the real leaf.
‘Waiting for the Great Pumpkin’ by Nancy LaPorte
"It should have worked. I had saved my favorite orange fabric color for the Halloween month. I waited with hopefulness that the block given to us would be something I could make spooky. A nine-patch! Perfect for a pumpkin patch! And boy, could I make THAT Halloweeny!! Nine-patches for the sky? Nope, did that before. For the scarecrow? Nine-PATCHes on his coat? Nope, didn't work, nor would they work on his hat. For the pumpkins?
Made them two different ways. The faces just wouldn't show up on them. Couldn't use the patches for the ground....I'd already made my path and I wasn't going through that again! (Don't ask.) So to make a long story endless, I found a spot for my nine-patch. Don't feel sorry for him, he was way too difficult to work with!"
Waiting for the Great Pumpkin by Nancy LaPorte
‘Nine Patch Squared’ by Liz M
Nine Patch–A Focus Through the Prism Challenge, October
“Nine Patch Squared”
By Liz Mandelkow
Buhl Idaho
My chosen fabric is Green.
Just a 9 patch.
Love the clean lines and uncomplicated look.
Needed something simple this month during an otherwise crazy time.
Life Happens!
‘Moon Circle’ by M Leana M
Moon Circle by M Leana McCutcheon
Carol and I met at a Full Moon Circle in the early 1980's. We sat together in many moon circles and it was at a New Moon circle that we planned to organize public labyrinth walks in a local park. We did so much together... Then there were the trips to a famous breast cancer specialist in Carol's Indigo Jeep. We even made those drives more fun by visiting a friend or shopping at yarn and quilt shops. We loved this time of year, adding to our collections of witches. Indigo is the color associated with the sixth circuit of the labyrinth and the third-eye chakra.
“Deadline, schmeline! Guess who just became a 1st time Grandma!” by Mary Kay Turner
Here's my October entry.
I call it "Deadline, schmedline! Guess who just became a 1st time Grandma?"
by Mary Kay Turner
“Dressed to the Nines and No Place to Go” by Roxy Pike
"Dressed to the Nines and No Place to Go". Mr. Speedy is always formally dressed so I supplied some accessories. He is a gentleman of a kitty and, like most cats, loves to inspect quilts.
My October quilt features green and the Watercolor design technique makes up the 9 nine blocks in this quilt within a quilt.
By Roxy Pike
‘Not Grandmother’s Garden’ by Vicky A
‘Nine Patch Sunflower’ by Sherri M
Nine patch Sunflower: Inspired by the sunflowers in the garden , it was perfect for the yellow color.
I love to embellish so I used Tulle and black snaps to add that special touch.
by Sherri Moening

“Silence” by Evelyn Larrison
When I quilt my inner quilter always names the quilt I am working on. She
was totally silent while I was making the quilt (and still is).
So meet
I tore out the quilting 3 times and changed the design twice and
still am not crazy about this quilt. All the blocks wee 9 patches.

Friday, October 30, 2015
‘Purple Dance Floor’ by Zeeda Magnuson
Purple dance floor
The gang members (magical broom, the ghost and the bats) are flying in to dust off the purple dance floor just in time for the Halloween gala.
by Zeeda Magnuson
“Nine Squared” by Marsha Friou
Here is my Nine patch challenge "Nine Squared" had fun with it.
Quilted by Marcia Wachuta
She did a great job quilting for me.
by Marsha Friou
‘Roll Tide’ by Sandy H
I knew I had to save the red for my college football team. With encouragement from my husband I worked it out for the 9-patch.
"Roll Tide" is how we cheer on The University of Alabama Crimson Tide football team.
by Sandy Huovinen
‘A Very Wicked Hallows Eve’ by Pat D
‘Morning Rain on Stained Glass’ by Sharon S
This is called Morning Rain on Stained Glass by Sharon Scott.
I draw inspiration from the beautiful colors of stained glass in church windows.

Thursday, October 29, 2015
‘Nine Patch Doodle’ by Linda G
Nine Patch Doodle truly began as a doodle. I was playing with the regular Nine Patch design and trying to manipulate it and transform it into an amazing piece of ‘wonder’.
Well I began to doodle and the second Nine Patch spun around from the first distorting as it moved in my mind and then a third filled the space between the first two and the doodle grew into the design you see. Attaching colors to each of the ‘tiles’ was a challenge because my mind kept insisting that tell it a story about why the colors shift. The first few blocks were the seed for the rest—but they broke every rule that was established after they appeared. It was fun to watch this piece grow. The quilting is quite simple, I reinserted the original lines from my drawing.
by Linda Syverson Guild

Wednesday, October 28, 2015
“Tropical Twilight” by Audrey M
I finally managed to do one of these challenges that also satisfied a homework assignment for Design Essentials 2 with Lorraine Torrance. We were supposed to cut up and use a panel or border fabric in a quilt.
I really like this one, quilted beautifully once again by Marcia Wachuta.
Made by Audrey Manning

‘Crows in the Pumpkin Patch’ by Debbie S
Here's my nine patch challenge for this month.
It's called crows in the pumpkin patch. I had fun quilting this challenge
Debbie silva
‘Happy Halloween’ by Linda K
“October” by Karen Golden
Guess I'll just call it October. It will always remind me of the fun four days I just spent with friends at a quilting retreat where I finished this little quilt.....heaven on earth...
for the Nine Patch Focus Through the Challenge

Sunday, October 18, 2015
‘Stop and Taste the Flowers’ by Cheryl S
Here is my October challenge piece. I titled it "Stop and Taste the Flowers."
I focused on the aqua blue color from my Cherrywood fabric package. It was a challenge to incorporate the 9 patches into my piece, but decided to make flowers with them against the abstract floral background. Cheryl Snellgrove

“Now You See It … Now you don’t” by Sue J
Now you see you don't
The center 9 patch becomes a disappearing 9 patch and then a double disappearing 9 patch.
The batiks have a system of movement which adds to the disappearing act. The tatted V, for violet, is very visible. :)
‘Who’s Stirring the Pot’ by Leslie C
I finally finished my October challenge. I started it and then didn't
have enough of the light purple fabric. I found the place to order it
from and then had to wait for it to arrive.
"Who's Stirring the Pot"
Since I only had purple and orange fabric left I decided to do a
Halloween quilt. The nine patch was hard to incorporate into a quilt
but I loved the witch and decided to surround her with nine patches.
I'm looking forward to next month's challenge but I'm hoping it will
be easier than the nine patch.
Leslie Carmichael